True worship is the totality (spirit, soul [mind, will, & emotions], and body) of our life surrendered to God. To worship God is to live sacrificially according to His will for our lives and not our personal will. Otherwise, we will believe we worship the Omnipotent God of all creation when we truly don’t. When we worship God, His will becomes ours.
Understand this, even false gods requires sacrifices (continual worship) that honors their will. Their requirements will always be immoral and opposite of God’s requirements and standards. With this in mind, are the sacrifices we make daily honoring God or the god of this world? There’s no way around getting out of worship. We were created for that very purpose. However, worshiping the right God (the One Who is Holy) is key! Our lives will either honor God or the enemy (Satan).
To worship the Lord is an intentional cost. It’s doesn’t happen by words or merely believing. But by a life completely surrendered to the Lord on purpose with evidence of His fruit. On the contrary, worshiping the enemy starts by surrendering to our will which is tied to the lust of the eyes, the lusts of the flesh, and the pride of life (see 1 John 2:16).
Remember, it’s impossible to worship God and disregard His standards. Obeying His standards is our worship unto Him.
“I APPEAL to you therefore, brethren, and beg of you in view of [all] the mercies of God, to make a decisive dedication of your bodies [presenting all your members and faculties] as a living sacrifice, holy (devoted, consecrated) and well pleasing to God, which is your reasonable (rational, intelligent) service and spiritual worship.” Romans 12:1 AMPC