Michael Moorer has committed his life to serving God and humankind. A pioneer of destiny, Mr. Moorer is a man of worship who operates with high moral standards. He is also a creative mentor, entrepreneur, and author of several books, among many other talents. Michael Moorer has also gained domestic and international influence through his prolific literary work. God's calling on Michael's life is further solidified in his career, aiding other creatives and those who are broken, lost, depressed, or may wrestle with an identity crisis. Mr. Moorer is the perfect candidate to minister to the soul of those who struggles in the areas previously mentioned because the Lord delivered him from those same strongholds and more. By faith in God, the Creator of the universe, Michael Moorer, provides prophetic insight and revelation with a clear message of truth, hope, reformation, deliverance, and restoration through the Love of Jesus Christ. With Michael's drive and love for the Lord, there is no doubt that the Most High God favors him!
My Books
Kingdom Men
Paper Back
Created to Recover
Paper Back
Mindset Rest
Paper Back
The Ethics of the Kingdom
Paper Back
God's Mind on The Matter!
The Book + Workbook
Paper Back
Spiritual Quotes & Commentary V1 | Paper Back
Spiritual Quotes & Commentary
V2 | Paper Back
The Significance of Singleness Paper Back
Life Beyond Sunday
Paper Back
Life Beyond Sunday
Spiritual Quotes & Commentary
V3 | Paper Back


The Ethics of the Kingdom | Pakistan Book Launch Event

Soul Talk with Wura | Clip 1
Are you called to be an author/scribe? If this is you, I am thrilled to present my coaching program, “Mantled to Scribe.” This program will empower and direct aspiring authors on how to bring their books to life within 90 days or less. Mantled to Scribe offers a structured system that produces strategies and tangible results. With several packages to choose from, participants will receive personalized mentoring and feedback tailored to their specific book project and more. Don’t miss this opportunity to bring your vision to life with Mantled to Scribe. Enroll today and embark on your journey to become a published author! It’s time for you to release your literary legacy in the earth. For more information, visit my website at www.michaelmoorerbooks.com.



Kingdom Men of Valor Global is a ministry that operates from biblical foundations and principles that honor God's set order and standards. We promote unity and mentor men to represent the Kingdom of God in the body of Christ and the marketplace (the World). In addition, KMOVG provides a virtual atmosphere for men to learn the Word and understand spiritual matters, share godly wisdom and experiences, and learn tools for spiritual warfare followed by biblical counsel and integrity. It's God's intent for men to live under the influence of His Divine Kingdom instead of the World's culture and mindset. As believers, we must understand that our identity and earthly assignment come only from the Lord. Therefore, any identities or assignments we take on that don't come from God, birth confusion and misalignment. In Christ, there is no identity crisis because who we are is found in Him, not flesh and blood.
Now is the time for men to take their rightful position as priests (who live as sacrifices unto the Lord), men of prayer, and worshipers who minister to the Lord with their lives. As men, we must walk in the assurance that who we are flows from our submission to the Father (through Jesus) to our family and humanity. Remember, we are not just mere men; we are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people who've been called out of darkness and into His marvelous light (1 Peter 2: 9). God desires consecrated servants who refuse to be contaminated (or are no longer willing) by the World but win them into His Kingdom. Welcome to Kingdom Men of Valor Global!
"How can a young man keep his way pure? By keeping watch [on himself] according to Your word [conforming his life to Your precepts]." Psalms 119:9 AMP
“BEHOLD, HOW good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! Psalm 133:1 AMPC