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The Importance of Staying Focused on Our Purpose.

Every person on this earth was intentionally created for a divine purpose. The sooner we understand this fact, we can make our lives count based on God’s original intent (which is our purpose) for us being alive for such a time as this. We cannot understand our purpose apart from God and His standards because He is the purpose giver. In order for us to operate within our purpose, we must know His ways first because the Father’s ways of being and doing are always how we’re to carry out and operate within our purpose and our everyday lives.

Each gift God has given us is part of our reason for being alive. However, our divine purpose could very well be something different from our natural born gifts. How is that so? Because God is sovereign and can do whatever He wants to do with no limitations attached. Nevertheless, whether our divine purpose is directly related to our gifts or not, God is the giver of it all and if we pursue Him, He will reveal to us our reason for being born.

It is very important for us to focus on the pursuit of our calling in this life because time waits for no man and we all have an appointed time to leave this earth. That being said, we should never compare ourselves to anyone or allow others to change our minds about who God says we are and how we should operate. When we stand firm in our identity in Christ, nothing or no one can trick us into becoming something we’re not.

In addition, another reason why it is so important to center ourselves on who and what God called us to be is because we all have a certain kind of people who we’re called to reach. However, if we’re not in place, God will eventually have to give our assignment to another person; one who is available. Although, it is never the Father’s intention to give assignments away, we just allow ourselves to become distracted by the cares of the world (the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life. See 1 John 2:16). God wants us all to lean and depend on Him because we can never go wrong living out His Word—His way! For His Word is our instruction on how to have a successful and prosperous life, both now and forever.

When it comes to the opinions of others while pursuing God’s will, it is very easy to allow them to derail us off of our destined path. However, always remember that an opinion is just an opinion, and we all have one. But in spite of following the viewpoints from people, we’re to follow God and His Word because He’s beyond opinions. For a matter of fact, He is 100% truth! But on the contrary, most people are confused about who they are and their own purpose; and if we listen to them, we will become like them—confused. Everyone has an opinion about what we should do and be in life, but it is God’s will, plan, and propose for each one of us that matter most.

Lastly, God created the world in which we live and blew His breath of life into us (see Genesis 2:7). The moment we received life, we received purpose. We also received the responsibility to find out our purpose through Christ, and focus our attention on walking it out. And because we’re stewards and not owners over every blessing, gift, etc., received from God, we can’t afford to waste anything He has given us. Stay focused on God!

P.S. “Look carefully then how you walk! Live purposefully and worthily and accurately, not as the unwise and witless, but as wise (sensible, intelligent) people making the very most of the time [buying up each opportunity] because the days are evil. Therefore, do not be vague and thoughtless and foolish, but understanding and firmly grasping what the will of the Lord is.” Ephesians 5:15-17 AMPC

- Michael Moorer

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